Summit Entertainment,LLC v. Ergoarts, Inc
Summit is currently producing a romantic comedy set to be released theatrically in May 2010 with a working title of ‘Letters to Juliet’, starring Amanda Seyfried and Vanessa Redgrave. The backdrop for the Motion Picture is the italian City of Verona, the setting of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet.
At the turn of the last century, tourists visiting the Franciscan monastery which was fictionalized by Shakespeare as the tomb of his heroine, Juliet Capulet, would leave notes seeking her advice on the topic of love. Word of the practice quickly spread, and soon the letters began pouring in from all over the world. In the late 1930s, the original caretaker of the tomb, Ettore Solimani, took it upon himself to answer these letters to Juliet, and so began a time-honored tradition for the City of Verona that exists to this day. Thereafter, several other Veronese residents assumed the role of “Secretary” to Juliet either writing themselves or working with others to respond to the letters. A Verona resident named Giulio Tamassia became the Secretary in 1989, and he relied upon his staff of letter-writers whom he called the “Club di Giulietta.” Like the prior Secretaries, Tamassia’s group is devoted to the legend of Juliet, and-acting with the permission of the City of Verona – now answers thousands of letters sent to Juliet each year.
The Juliet letter-writing phenomenon has been the topic of countless media stories, non-fiction works, a documentary film, a novel, and even songs, all of which further spread the word of the tradition across the globe.
Ergoarts claims they own the story rights to the Club di Giulietta and have been working on their own movie project. They seek to enjoin the release of ‘Letters to Juliet’ and Summit seeks a declaration that there is no infringement.