(2008) Tags: Paramount | LucasFilm
DR. JAIME AWE, as Director of the Institute of Archeology of Belize v. WILLIAM HOMANN
Plaintiff Belize has a right, title and interest in and to the “Crystal Skulls” native to the country and Mayan culture. The “Crystal Skulls” are symbols of Plaintiff Belize, its culture and are of significant value by way of the goodwill.
Defendant LucasFilm wrote, developed and produced the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which utilized the Skull and its likeness as the underlying basis therefore without the prior knowledge or authorization of Plaintiff Belize. Defendant LucasFilm, together with Defendant Paramount, thereafter conspired to market and then sell the Film and continue to profit therefrom without the authorization of Plaintiff Belize.
The profits derived by the sale of the Film constitute illegal profits and Defendants LucasFilm, Walt Disney and Paramount are unjustly enriched thereby. Defendants LucasFilm, Paramount and Walt Disney continue to profit from the unauthorized use of the Skull and its likeness.